She was having an episode, or at least that's what Anna told her.

She grunted with each thrust of her wrist. Some punctured the walls, others flew out of windows. Inside of the less grand castle, Elsa was throwing spikes around. Cautiously, she began to make her way over to the Snow Queen. She heard a crash, all the way from where she stood, and the noise echoed off of the icy walls. In the highest window, Rapunzel saw purple ice. Now, it had ice pouring out of almost every window. She looked ahead of her and saw the glamorous castle of Arendelle. Despite it being the middle of summer, the blonde stood in snow up to her ankles. She looked around her, observing the deserted, cold houses. An eerie chill swept up Rapunzel's spine. Rapunzel used her hair to slip between the huge spikes, and soon she was in. At least this wasn't going to be as easy as the rest. Around the city were huge spikes, taller than trees. Once she reached the frozen town of Arendelle, she knew she was getting a fight of her life. She even talked in Gothel's voice and praised herself, just so she felt better. She was never caught, and she never flipped out long enough. So, Rapunzel traveled for many days, staying hidden in the trees during the day and going into villages to maintain her craving for more voices at night. None of them were her favorite (maybe Gothel's) and now she wants the Snow Queen's voice. She had heard something about a snow queen on her way from her victims. Rapunzel wasn't going to stay up in her tower all of the time.

The two cousins battle it out! Please don't turn this into something else, like Jackunzel vs Jelsa, please. The first battle, since I'm making three (shhh) And I think this will be frickin' awesome.