And it can be used with Fugawi’s X-Traverse to transfer data online with iNavX or iMap on an iPhone or iPad, Facebook, and more. Note that I said any, because NavPlanner2 supports not only all the formats used by Navionics-based plotters but also GPX, KML, and others. Then you can transfer routes to most any plotter via cable, card, or Internet. Now, you can’t navigate on this massive portfolio of charts and maps, but you sure could do a lot of planning on it. freshwater data than HotMaps, with all of Navionics High Definition lake surveys (like my Lake Megunticook). Plus it has place name searching and GRIB weather file overlay facilities. In fact, my experience with Fugawi ENC suggests that this new software may give better access to all the extras on a Platinum or Platinum + card than your plotter does. plus the Northern Bahamas, and a card reader that can access all data on any current Navionics format card you may already own. For one thing, the $129 NavPlanner2 comes on a DVD with Navionics Gold charts of the entire U.S.