So here they are 6 gorgeous eyebrow styles in the Saccharine. I had issues with it and am not going to even bother. After releasing my recolor of AH00B’s Sarah Hair (get it here) I obviously had to recolor some eyebrows to match, so I chose Adie’s collection of 6 eyebrow styles, which are far and away my favorite CC eyebrows (read: the only ones I have installed bc they’re all I use ). Please enjoy yet another eyebrow set with three maxis match eyebrows to choose from 24 EA swatches Custom catalog thumbnails All gender flags and ages T.o.u Twitter Instagram TwistedCatSereneEyebrows.package TwistedCatImpactEyebrows.package TwistedCatSpiteEyebrows.package cc released this post 21 days early for patrons. The package with all the EA swatches does not have salt and pepper as they are essentially the black and light brown shades and brow # 4 is included in there but does not have all the EA swatches. EDIT: I’m an idiot and didn’t add the merged package so I added a separate download for it and another with the other ea swatches that someone asked for.MERGED(1 merged file w/ swatches above & another w/ all the ea ones.)

Credits to EA, don’t be annoying and redistribute, blah blah, the basics.Pick and chose which ones you want or grab the merged file. Pictures labeled w/ numbers in zip w/ corresponding numbers on the file names.